Swiss-born Ski Instructor, Hans Thorner, founded Magic Mountain in 1960. And, by 1962, the first skiers were descending from Magic’s peak and soon discovering southern Vermont’s most challenging mountain.
It is no wonder Thorner was so selective in his search for a mountain at which he could create “A Little Corner of Switzerland.” He ended selecting Glebe Mountain in Londonderry Vermont. Glebe’s separate valleys created diverse terrain heading in various directions from the lifts almost like miniature Swiss Valleys. At the bottom of it all Hans built a miniature Swiss Village complete with hotels like Dostal’s and the Blue Gentian. Every structure from the base of the access road to the summit was master planned.
In the early days Magic was equally famous for its nightlife whether it be the Abracadabra Lounge, on-mountain Swiss feasts or Dostal’s bar. Each year Thorner would hand select a fleet of ski instructors from Switzerland who lived on the mountain creating arguably one of the best ski schools in the country.
In 1985 the mountain was sold and neighboring Timber Ridge ski area was annexed, the ownership eventually ended up in Bromley’s hands and Magic, Bromley and Timberside could all be skied on one ticket. Unfortunately a few bad snow seasons coupled with bad real estate ventures forced the mountain to close in 1991.
For six long seasons the mountain remained dark with three of its lifts sold to other New England areas to pay off debt. In 1996 a group of investors re-opened the mountain and it has slowly progressed into one of the East’s finest skiing hills. Experts everywhere and ski personnel from other mountains flock to Magic on powder days. Both the trail systems and the second hidden system of off-piste glades have become proving grounds for many of New England’s finest free skiers. It is currently home to one of four tour stops of the Ski The East Free Ride Tour that tests the best skiers on the most extreme terrain and at Magic, it’s on the infamous Black Magic trail.
So, while Magic has been around for decades, and has had its share of ups and downs, there is also something timeless about this ski area. It’s the mountain itself and the people who feel its heartbeat. Its rhythms. Its soul. The Magic character never seems to change and, with the new ownership of SKI MAGIC, our distinctive identity will remain and flourish as more skiers and riders realize a simple truth: all the myriad amenities and costs that have grown out of the “resort way” of doing business is nothing but a distraction from the pure and simple joy of turning on snow and then celebrating an adventurous day on the hill with your winter friends. Magic is a place where skiing still has its soul. And, its a place where many other have discovered their own.
495 Magic Mountain Access
Londonderry, VT 05148
Mailing: PO BOX 188
Londonderry, VT 05148
SKI AREA: Lifts now run 9a-5p on Saturdays and 9a-4p on Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. The Night Terrain Park is open under lights every Saturday Night from 4-7pm.
BLACK LINE TAVERN RESTAURANT and MUSIC/WEDDING VENUE: During ski season, our hours are 11am-10pm on Thursdays/Fridays, 11am-11pm on Saturdays and Sundays 11-6p. Book your event/wedding with us! email or for weddings
DISC GOLF: Closed for Winter
- Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid people or objects.
- People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them.
- Stop only where you are visible from above and do not restrict traffic.
- Look uphill and avoid others before starting downhill or entering a trail.
- You must prevent runaway equipment.
- Read and obey all signs, warnings, and hazard markings.
- Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
- You must know how and be able to load, ride and unload lifts safely. If you need assistance, ask the lift attendant.
- Do not use lifts or terrain when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
- If you are involved in a collision or incident, share your contact information with each other and a ski area employee.
Winter sports involve risk of serious injury or death. Your knowledge, decisions and actions contribute to your safety and that of others. If you need help understanding the Code, please ask any ski area employee.
RULES OF USE at Magic Mountain:
Magic may remove/trespass persons from the ski area property for the following acts/behaviors:
- Violation of state/federal/local laws or regulations
-Threats of violence or communications or actions likely to incite imminent violence or other imminent lawless behavior on others
- Use of ski area trails/glades, lifts, parks without a valid lift ticket or pass
- Unauthorized resale or purchase of lift ticket or pass, or any other fradulaent use or alteration of ticket/pass
- Actions likely to cause harm to self or others such as a violation of closed areas, reckless/hazardous behavior on the slopes, including but not limited to reckless jumping, out-of-control skiing or boarding, excessive speed in slow areas, unauthorized construction of jumps or obstacles
- Sledding or tubing in unauthorized areas
- Unauthorized public use of snowmobiles, or other motorized vehicles in areas on the property or slopes
- Unauthorized removal, destruction, defacing, or relocation of any signs, barricades, rope lines or other warning or marking devices
- Reckless or hazardous behavior on lifts that may endanger self or others such as jumping from lift, deliberate excessive swinging of chairs, climbing towers or in any way interfering with the safe operation of the equipment
- Unauthorized overnight parking or camping
- Use of any unapproved/unauthorized equipment or downhill devices at the ski area
The ski area may report and enforce the Rules of Use, and may remove the persons who violate the Rules of Use. The ski area may use private security services or local law enforcement personnel to to enforece its rules of use.
Main Tel: (802) 824-5645
Ticketing help:
Weddings/Events/Mountain Rentals:
Black Line Tavern:
Ski Patrol emergencies/assistance: 802-428-3301
© Copyright Ski Magic LLC. All Rights Reserved.